Click on the following links to go directly to the topic of choice:
Is this web site secure?
What secure server do you use?
What do I do if the secure checkout window does not open on my computer?
What payment methods do you accept?
What merchant gateway do you use for secure credit card payments?
What should I do if your merchant gateway does not accept my credit card?
Do you accept credit card payment over the phone?
Do I have to order online?
Do you have a catalog?
Do you wholesale?
How long does it take to get my order?
What shipper do you use?
How are your shipping costs determined?
Can I return or exchange an item?
How do I submit a review for an item I purchased in the online catalog?
Do you ship international orders?
How do you ship international orders?
What payment methods are available for International orders?
How do you use my information?
Secure Server
Yes it is. Our CHECKOUT pages are hosted on a secure server with VeriSign Secure Server Certificate. You can rest assured that your information during your transaction with us will be safe and secure
What secure server do you use ?
Our Merchant Gateway for CHECKOUT uses VeriSign Secure Certificate. VeriSign is a global enterprise with offices throughout the Asia-Pacific region, Europe, Latin America, and North America, supported by a widespread international network of data centers and operations centers. For more information visit their web site at http://www.verisign.com/index.html
What do I do if the secure checkout window does not open on my computer?
Your Browser Settings may be set to not allow popup windows by the way it handles cookies. This would cause your computer to freeze or hang on the merchant gateway checkout window. If this happens, you must set your browser to override the Automatic Cookie handling for that instance for the Knit Tree Web site. This is how you do it for Internet Explorer: From Internet Explorer - Tools Menu - Internet Options - Privacy Tab - Advanced - and finally, select Override Automatic Cookie Handling. If this doesn't work for you, please contact our customer service so we can notify our web site technician.
Payment Methods
What payment methods do you accept?
Our CHECKOUT pages offer two choices: mail in payment or or most major credit cards are accepted by our merchant gateway. Click here for more information.
What merchant gateway do you use for secure credit card payments?
Our CHECKOUT pages are hosted by the merchant gateway Paypal. They are on a secure server with VeriSign Secure Server Certificate. A separate window opens to take you to the Paypal merchant gateway site. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A MEMBER OF PAYPAL to use the credit card payment method. They accept most major credit cards. After your transaction, you will get a verification that your payment was processed and you will be given a receipt to print out. Then you will be returned to The Knit Tree site.
What should I do if your merchant gateway does not accept my credit card?
Periodic High Traffic on some browsers may cause a problem. Most remedy this by refreshing the window and resubmitting the information. If you still have a problem please contact customer service. You also have the option of mailing in your payment.
Do you accept credit card payment over the phone?
for security reasons we do not accept any financial information over the phone. However, you may place an order over the phone and follow up by mailing in your payment. Also, if you have a paypal account, you may make a direct payment from your paypal account to The Knit Tree's paypal account.
No, if you do not feel secure ordering online, you may print out your order and send it along with your payment to The Knit Tree
No, we do not have a retail catalog. Our hand loomed knit items change as the creativity of the artisans is inspired, and items change according to the availability of yarns. Therefore, new knit items are being added often on the web site.
Yes, we wholesale our Native American knits. We need your resale-tax certificate number from your state government and type of business. There is a minimum quantity purchase requirement. Dealers can print out our dealer application and other qualifying information. This is an adobe acrobat reader pdf file.
If you wish to fax in your application, call 1-530-365-2351 first, so we can turn our fax on. Then dial the same phone number again to send the fax. Call or contact customer service for more information. We will email you a password to our Wholesale Web site after acceptance of dealership application.
Shipping and Returns
How long does it take to get my order?
Most in stock items ship the next day after payment is received. Most smaller items that must be hand loomed ship with 4 days after payment is received. Specially marked personalized items such as sweaters usually ship within 2 weeks after payment is received. All continental USA items are shipped USPS priority which would take 2-5 days in shipment. International orders are send USPS International priority which could take 7-10 days.
Most of our knit items are light weight and are sent USPS Priority. Larger volume orders or wholesale orders normally are shipped UPS Ground.
How are your shipping costs determined?
We use the USPS and UPS shipping modules that automatically calculate the shipping based on your location and the weight of the Purchase. There is an automatic weight tare as a starting point to take into account the weight of the packaging and handling fees.
Can I return or exchange an item?
Yes, our in stock items can be returned for an exchange or refund minus shipping and handling charges within 14 days if you are dissatisfied in any way. Defective items may be returned within 30 days. The exception is personalized or custom knit items are final sales unless defective. See our detailed Shipping and Returns Policy for procedures for all returns or exchanges.
How do I submit a review for an item I purchased in the online catalog?
How do I submit a review?
There are two methods of submitting a review.
1. You may send your review to customer service by email and we will post it for you under the sent in by email reviews or
2. Use the Review Button that is included with each product at the bottom of its product description page in our online catalog store.
a. you must be logged into your account to submit the review
b. go to the category for the product you wish to write the review on
c. click on the image on the left side or the buy it now button on the right side.
d. This takes you to the detailed product description page. Go to the bottom of the page and click on the Reviews Button
e. This takes you to the Reviews Page, where there is a Write a Review Button
f. Write your review and submit it.
All our artisans really appreciate it when you take the time to return to write a review. It is an important part of helping our web site's growth.
International Information
Do you ship international orders?
We process most all International orders.
It is the Customers responsibility to be aware that you may be subject to import duties and taxes, which are levied once the package reaches your country. We have no control over these charges and cannot predict what they may be. Polices do vary from country to country, you should contact your local authorities for further information.
How do you ship international orders?
We have shipped to many customers all over the World. All countries are different. In CHECKOUT the USPS International priority options are given and our shipping module will automatically calculate this for you dependant upon the weight of your purchase.
What payment methods are available for International orders?
Our Merchant Gateway, Paypal, accepts payments from 103 countries and regions. You can visit the paypal web site at to find out if your country is on the list. Paypal will convert the money to USD. If you are unable to use Paypal for your country International orders must be paid in advance with a verified cashiers check or international money order in USD Your order will be shipped after payment clears our bank. This is due to security issues with international orders and to protect our customers. Thank you for your understanding. All payments must be in USD for the amount of purchase only.
How do you use my information?
We keep all your information private, we do not share or sell our Customer Database with anyone for any reasons... See our Iron Clad Privacy Statement.
The Knit Tree will Post all Frequently Asked Questions Here. If you have one that we have not answered, Please Contact Customer Service.
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